How the COVID Pandemic saved my life

When I heard there was a "Novel Coronavirus" causing mass deaths quickly in Wuhan China., I did two things immediately - I ordered bulk Copper Sulphate, and N95 masks before they went up in price.  Then I heard Dr. Fauci saying "stop buying masks", and I knew this whole ride would be real ugly.

You see there has never been a successful vaccine for Coronaviruses - in the family with those that cause the common cold , because they mutate so fast that even if the vaccine initially worked , a few generations or "variants" down the line, they would not.  Now with thee Omicron variant that is exactly what has happened - but medical science is not being clear with the public for fear they will cause panic and shut down the US economy and World economy 

In this case the Genome of the virus  was shared quickly and after reading the analysis this virus unlike most all others - actually drills into the nucleus of the cell which means it had the capability to do "rouge" wild Gene therapy.  This was bad . . .  really really bad.  Knowing what I know about genes and viruses - from the history of man, I knew right away I did not want this virus to infect me ever.

Poor Mr. Trump . . .  he was on the right path with his "Bleach" comment - but he should have said "Copper".  even the National Institutes of Health the "nih"- a.k.a  knew this and has several articles that say Copper - not only actually was the best first treatment for COVID, but it is also known to be instrumental in precenting and treating Alzheimer's disease.  See and and and and and and the list goes on and on basically - but why has this not made it into the media anywhere at all?  Only Copper will actually KILL the virus from both ends - upper respiratory infection dn lower respiratory full on infection.  It is because humans are monkey see monkey do creatures just repeating what another said without doing research to actually understand what they are saying or spreading about wrongly.

There are things no made clear and public in society - like King Tut - the last of his family lineage - had DNA not known to any other human on this Earth.  DNA  is the magic of man . . .  it can make you dumb as rocks or a genius.  There are elongated skulls on this planet with no sagittal sutures that has the same kind of unusual DNA.  The "ancient Egyptians" knew the power of copper sulphate - also called "Egyptian Blue" as it was regularly used in Egyptian Medicine to cure diseases.

However I had these dark blue rings around my eyes indicating I had a Copper building in my body, and a low grade DNA test I took a few years ago when tested against rare disease software - showed a good chance I had Wilson's Disease a genetic condition for which there is is no cure.  I also knew I have another genetic condition known as "Osteofibrous Dysplasia" a condition which causes bones to not heal well rapidly or solidly but instead form mushroom like or lattice like structures.

Due the Pandemic - I was on my own . . . no medical professionals were available and they were all scared to see members of the public.  I went about trying to figure how to strengthen my immune system and in the process as the vaccine was being developed several scientists said it was not going to last long or work for long, and in fact a study showed it would not stop thee spread of the virus from the respiratory tract anyway.  In short it might keep the vaccinated person from illness or drying, but would not stop them from spreading it over and over again shed from the upper respiratory tract.

In the process I discovered that another reason the vaccine would not work or work for long is because almost everyone has a weak immune system because foods humans eat today are missing most vitamins and minerals and amino acids needed to leave the body with fuel to keep antibodies around in its database  not needing them. the body will discard them.  Even Pfizer and Moderna advised thee antibodies would wear off by six months post immunisation.  But the truth is one man created the mRNA method of creating a vaccine and provided it to the firms for manufacturing.  See the BBC show "Panorama" episode 7 you can find at

The the world went crazy with people claiming their "Freedom" was more important that the science behind the virus and pandemic.  At age 65 everything on me it seemed was falling apart and had aches and pains from microfractures of bones in my feet and hands.  In the end I ended up on 15 daily supplements from over the counter,which along with Zinc among them has cleared my eyes of their rings - and  strengthened my bones.  You can smell and taste COVID in you upper respiratory tract - they even use Dogs  to sense it that way - (… ) when you catch it - I could - and then I took Copper Sulphate ate the first hint, and less than an hour later it is gone.

today I take my supplements every morning and use protein shakes, and need to eat less food.  I feel great now, no dizziness, vertigo, or pains or foggy thought anymore.  I have no been the slightest sick - except when I feel COVID or any other illness coming on - usually after getting some fast food somewhere - the KFC I visit  is REALLY bad - a small does of Copper Sulphate and all is good right away again.

The Pandemic is not over - but ti saved my life.